Friday, November 01, 2013

The UK Gold film - back it to spread the world

The UK Gold, a film about the City of London and the role of Britain's satellite tax havens, features several people associated with TJN. They have issued a call for funding:
We are now in a position - having had a number of large and small theatrical screenings and received strong feedback and reactions - to complete national and international distribution agreements that will enable audiences across the world to watch the full documentary on television networks, via DVD, in theatres and via download. The full cost of this distribution process to us as a collective will amount to £15,000. 
How much have they raised so far? As you can see from the box on the right, cut out a few minutes ago, they are very close - but with only 27 hours to go.

Get a copy of the DVD via the crowdfunding site - and in the process help tip the UK Gold over the top.


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